Topic: Living with a Depressed Family Member
Monday, December 12th, 7-8 pm (Online)
Led by Therapist: Barb Kirkham, Reg'd Psychotherapist
Human Strong is a Bayridge Circle of Care Company
How this Workshop Can Help
What You'll Learn:
- How to be happy while living with someone who is depressed.
- How to maintain your own mental health when someone you love is struggling.
- How to deal with your feelings that you are working harder on recovery than your loved one.
- Why does my family member not seem to want to get better?
- Gain a better understanding of depression.
- How to support your family member without enabling them.
- How to be happy without feeling guilty.
- Live, interactive, therapist-led Q & A at end of workshop.
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Meet the Workshop's Therapist:
Barb Kirkham, Registered Psychotherapist
Focus: Individual, Couple Counselling, Anxiety and Depression, Anger Management, Pre-marital, Communication, Sexual Issues, Trauma
"I am a person that brings to the counselling process years of life experience as well as academic understanding. I am a wife, mother, sister, friend, and professional. It is the interconnection of these many roles that provides the life experience that I feel is necessary to come alongside clients as they navigate the often bumpy road that we call life.
My goal as a counselor is to provide a safe, non-judgmental place for clients to be heard and understood. My practice focuses on providing clients with the tools and knowledge to overcome relationship issues in marriage and within families, reclaim their life from anxiety and depression, find their way back from grief, and discover the strength within to overcome life’s challenges."
My goal as a counselor is to provide a safe, non-judgmental place for clients to be heard and understood. My practice focuses on providing clients with the tools and knowledge to overcome relationship issues in marriage and within families, reclaim their life from anxiety and depression, find their way back from grief, and discover the strength within to overcome life’s challenges."