Fitness for Your Child's MENTAL WELLNESS

Neural Pathway Integration Program
Do It Yourself Exercises

Practice, practice, practice...

Hello Parents!  Below you will find exercises you can practice with your child.  Through these helpful mindfulness practices not only will they reinforce their training from the NPI, but you can also help bridge the conditioning from the program into their everyday lives.  (Videos coming soon!)

Human Strong, A Bayridge Circle of Care Company

These activities not only serve as a way to reinforce the valuable training your child received at the NPI, but they also provide an opportunity to seamlessly integrate the program's conditioning into their everyday lives.

By incorporating these beneficial mindfulness practices into your daily routine, you will not only be supporting your child's growth and development but also fostering a strong bond with them. These exercises will help your child cultivate a sense of self-awareness and emotional intelligence, enabling them to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience.

From simple breathing exercises and guided meditations to interactive games and creative visualizations, these practices are designed to captivate your child's imagination and nurture their overall well-being. By engaging in these activities together, you can deep dive into meaningful conversations, share your experiences, and create lasting memories.

We encourage you to set aside dedicated time each day to practice these exercises with your child. Whether it's in the morning to start the day on a positive note or in the evening to wind down and reflect, these moments of mindfulness may have a profound impact on your child's mental and emotional growth.

Remember, you are your child's greatest role model, and by participating in these practices with them, you are not only reinforcing their training but also demonstrating the importance of self-care and emotional well-being. Together, let's bridge the gap between the NPI program and your child's everyday life, creating a harmonious balance between mind, body, and soul.

Also (just some legal notes!), these are meant to be guidelines and suggestions; please administer them at your own discretion as Bayridge nor Human Strong can be held liable for any injuries or unfavorable outcomes.

Thank you for your dedication and commitment to your child's growth and well-being. We look forward to hearing about your experiences and the positive impact these exercises have on your child. 

Deep Belly Breathing

How to Train Deep Diaphragmatic Breathing in Children

Is your child experiencing stress, anxiety, or shallow breathing? Deep diaphragmatic breathing can help promote relaxation, calmness, and overall well-being in children.

In this instructional guide, we will show you how to train deep diaphragmatic breathing in children through engaging and fun exercises.

Problem: Shallow Breathing in Children

Many children have a tendency to breathe shallowly, especially during stressful situations or when feeling anxious. Shallow breathing involves taking short, quick breaths that do not fully utilize the diaphragm muscle. This type of breathing can contribute to increased stress levels, fatigue, and a lack of focus. It is important to teach children the benefits of deep diaphragmatic breathing to help them manage stress and enhance their overall health.

Solution: Training Deep Diaphragmatic Breathing

Training deep diaphragmatic breathing in children can be an enjoyable experience for both the child and the caregiver.
Here's how you can incorporate engaging elements into the process:

(1) Make it a Game:
Turn deep breathing exercises into a fun game. Encourage your child to imagine they are blowing up a balloon with their breath. Instruct them to take slow, deep breaths in through their nose, and then slowly release the breath by pretending to blow into an imaginary balloon. This playful approach will make the exercise more enjoyable and memorable for your child.

(2) Use Visual Aids:
Visual aids can be highly effective in teaching deep diaphragmatic breathing. Show your child pictures of their favorite animals or superheroes breathing deeply. Explain that these characters use deep breathing techniques to stay calm and focused. Encourage your child to imitate the breathing patterns of their favorite characters, making it a fun and interactive experience.

(3) Incorporate Storytelling:
Create a story that revolves around the concept of deep diaphragmatic breathing. For example, you can tell a tale about a magical land where everyone breathes deeply and feels happy and relaxed. As you narrate the story, guide your child through deep breathing exercises. This imaginative approach will captivate their attention and help them associate deep breathing with positive emotions.

(4) Practice Mindfulness:
Introduce mindfulness exercises to your child's daily routine. Set aside a few minutes each day for a mindfulness session, where you and your child focus on deep breathing and being fully present in the moment.

You can use guided meditation apps or videos specifically designed for children to make the practice more engaging and enjoyable.
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The Present Moment

Teaching a Child to Become Aware of the Present Moment

Many children struggle with being present in the moment, often getting distracted or lost in their thoughts. This can lead to difficulties in focusing, paying attention, and enjoying the present. It is important to help children develop the skill of mindfulness and become aware of the present moment.

By engaging children in fun and interactive activities, we can teach them how to be mindful and cultivate awareness of the present moment.

Here are some engaging elements to incorporate into your teaching:

1. Mindful Breathing (yes, breathing is always a crucial part!:
Start by introducing the concept of mindful breathing. Explain that taking deep breaths can help calm the mind and bring attention to the present moment. Show them how to take slow, deep breaths and encourage them to join in.

Engaging Element: Play a game where they pretend to blow bubbles while taking deep breaths. Imagine the bubbles carrying away any worries or distractions.

2. Sensory Explorations:
Engage their senses by encouraging them to explore their surroundings. Ask them to notice what they see, hear, smell, taste, and feel. Encourage descriptive language and create a sensory-rich environment.

Engaging Element: Take them on a nature walk and challenge them to find different objects using their senses. For example, ask them to find something soft to touch or something sweet to taste.

3. Mindful Eating:
Guide children to practice mindful eating, where they pay close attention to the taste, texture, and sensations of their food. Encourage them to eat slowly, savor each bite, and fully experience the flavors.

Engaging Element: Turn snack time into a fun tasting adventure. Blindfold them and have them guess the food they are eating based on its taste and texture. This adds an element of surprise and encourages focused attention.

4. Body Awareness:
Teach children to tune into their bodies and become aware of how they feel physically. Encourage them to notice sensations like warmth, tingling, or tension in different parts of their body.

Engaging Element: Play a "Simon Says" game where they follow instructions to move different body parts while focusing on the corresponding sensations. For example, "Simon says touch your nose and feel how cool it is."

5. Gratitude Practice:
Promote gratitude by teaching children to appreciate the present moment and the things they have. Encourage them to express gratitude for simple pleasures and positive experiences.

Engaging Element: Create a gratitude jar or journal where they can write or draw things they are grateful for. Decorate it together and encourage them to add something every day.  Remember, children learn best through play and engaging activities. Make it enjoyable, interactive, and age-appropriate, allowing them to develop mindfulness skills while having fun.

By incorporating these engaging elements into your teaching, you can help children become aware of the present moment and cultivate mindfulness. These activities not only promote focus and attention but also help children develop a deeper appreciation for the world around them.
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My 5 Senses
In this activity, we will help children become more aware of their five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. By engaging their senses, children can learn about the world around them in a fun and interactive way!
To teach children about sight, you can play a game called "I Spy." Find an object in the room and give clues about its color, shape, or size. Encourage children to use their eyes to look carefully and guess what the object is. You can also take children on a nature walk and ask them to spot different colors and shapes in their surroundings.

For the sense of hearing, create a listening game.  Blindfold the children and make different sounds using objects such as bells, maracas, or musical instruments. But please be careful!  Ask the children to guess what sound they hear. You can also go outside and listen to the sounds of nature, like birds chirping or leaves rustling in the wind.
To explore the sense of taste, set up a taste test station with different foods. Blindfold the children and have them taste different flavors, such as sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. Encourage them to describe the taste and guess what food they are eating. You can also cook or bake together, allowing children to experience different tastes and textures while preparing a meal or a snack.

Engage the sense of smell by playing a guessing game with different scents. Place various items with distinct smells, like citrus fruits, flowers, or spices, in small containers. Have the children smell each container and guess what scent it is. You can also take a nature walk and ask the children to identify different smells in the environment, such as freshly cut grass or blooming flowers.

For the sense of touch, set up a sensory bin with different objects that have unique textures. Include items like feathers, sandpaper, fabric, or smooth stones. Encourage children to explore the objects with their hands and describe how they feel. You can also go on a scavenger hunt where children have to find objects with different textures, such as something rough, something soft, or something bumpy.

By incorporating these engaging activities into your teaching, children will have a blast while becoming more aware of their five senses. Have fun exploring the world through their eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and fingertips!

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Positive Self Talk

Teaching Positive Self Talk to Children and Teens


Positive self-talk is an important skill that can empower children to build a healthy mindset and enhance their self-esteem. By teaching children how to engage in positive self-talk, we can help them overcome challenges, boost their confidence, and develop a positive outlook on life. This instructional guide will provide step-by-step instructions on how to teach positive self-talk to children using engaging and interactive techniques.

Problem-Based Approach: Overcoming Negative Thoughts

Children often face negative thoughts and self-doubt, which can hinder their growth and happiness. By addressing this problem, we can help children overcome negative thoughts and replace them with positive affirmations.

Step 1: Introduce the Concept

Start by explaining the concept of positive self-talk to the children in an engaging way. You can use storytelling or visual aids to make it more interesting. For example, you could say:

"Imagine you have a magic mirror that only reflects positive things about yourself. Every time you look into it, you see all your amazing qualities and strengths."

Step 2: Identify Negative Thoughts

Ask the children to share their experiences with negative thoughts. Create a safe and supportive environment for them to open up. Encourage them to share examples of negative thoughts they may have had, such as:

"I can't do this," or "I'm not good enough."

Step 3: Challenge Negative Thoughts

Explain that negative thoughts are not always true and that they can be challenged. Teach the children to question their negative thoughts by asking:

"Is this thought helping me or holding me back?"
"Is there evidence to support this thought?"
"What would happen if I believed the opposite?"

Step 4: Introduce Positive Affirmations

Introduce the concept of positive affirmations – short positive statements that children can repeat to themselves. Provide examples of affirmations such as:

"I am capable of anything I set my mind to."
"Mistakes help me learn and grow."
"I am unique and special in my own way."

Step 5: Practice Positive Self-Talk

Engage the children in activities that allow them to practice positive self-talk. Here are a few ideas:

Role-playing: Have the children take turns being either the negative voice or the positive voice in different scenarios. Encourage them to come up with positive responses to counter negative thoughts.
Mirror exercises: Provide mirrors and encourage the children to look at themselves while repeating positive affirmations.
Artistic expression: Ask the children to create artwork or write stories that reflect positive self-talk. Display their creations to celebrate their progress.

Step 6: Reinforce Positive Self-Talk

Consistently reinforce positive self-talk by incorporating it into daily routines and conversations. Remind children to use positive self-talk when facing challenges or setbacks, and praise them when you notice them using it effectively.


Teaching children positive self-talk is a valuable skill that can shape their attitudes and enhance their overall well-being. By following this instructional guide using engaging techniques, we can empower children to overcome negative thoughts, build resilience, and foster a positive mindset.
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Empathy & Compassion

How Parents can Teach Empathy and Compassion in their Children and Teens

Empathy and compassion are essential qualities that contribute to the emotional well-being and social development of children and teens. By teaching empathy and compassion, parents play a crucial role in helping their children develop strong interpersonal skills and create meaningful connections with others. However, in today's fast-paced and digital world, it can be challenging for parents to know where to start and how to effectively instill these qualities in their children. This instructional text aims to provide parents with practical strategies and engaging activities to teach empathy and compassion to their children and teens.

The Problem: Lack of Empathy and Compassion among Children and Teens

Many children and teens today seem to lack empathy and compassion towards others. They may struggle to understand or share the feelings of others, and often prioritize their own needs and desires over those of others. This can lead to conflicts, poor relationships, and an overall lack of concern for the well-being of others.

The Solution: Teaching Empathy and Compassion

Parents have the power to nurture empathy and compassion in their children and teens. By incorporating engaging elements into their teaching approach, they can make the learning process enjoyable and impactful.

Here are some practical strategies and activities to get started:

1. Lead by Example: Be an Empathetic Role Model

Children learn best by observing and imitating their parents. Show empathy and compassion in your daily interactions with family members, friends, and even strangers. When you encounter someone in need, demonstrate acts of kindness and explain the importance of understanding and helping others. Your actions will serve as a powerful model for your children.

2. Encourage Perspective-Taking Activities

Help your children develop empathy by encouraging them to put themselves in other people's shoes. Engage in perspective-taking activities such as role-playing, storytelling, or watching movies that depict different life experiences. Afterward, have open discussions to help them reflect on the feelings and experiences of others.

3. Practice Active Listening

Teach your children the value of active listening. When they engage in conversations with others, encourage them to listen attentively, maintain eye contact, and ask relevant questions to show genuine interest. This will help them develop empathy by truly understanding and acknowledging the emotions and thoughts of others.

4. Volunteer Together

Engage your children in community service or volunteer activities. This allows them to witness firsthand the challenges faced by others and the impact they can make through acts of kindness. Choose volunteer opportunities that align with their interests and passions to make the experience more meaningful and engaging.

5. Foster Emotional Intelligence

Help your children develop emotional intelligence by encouraging them to identify and express their own emotions. Teach them how to recognize emotions in others and provide guidance on appropriate ways to respond. By understanding their own emotions, children can better empathize with others and show compassion when needed.

6. Cultivate a Culture of Kindness at Home

Create a supportive and compassionate environment at home. Encourage acts of kindness among family members, such as sharing, helping, and expressing gratitude. Celebrate and acknowledge kind actions to reinforce the importance of empathy and compassion within the family dynamic.

7. Engage in Literature and Media

Use literature and media as tools to teach empathy and compassion. Choose books, movies, or TV shows that address themes of empathy, kindness, and understanding. Discuss the characters' emotions and actions with your children, helping them connect with the stories on a deeper level.

8. Promote Cultural Understanding

Exposure to different cultures and perspectives enhances empathy and compassion. Encourage your children to learn about diverse cultures, traditions, and beliefs. Attend cultural events, visit museums, or explore different cuisines together. By embracing diversity, your children will develop a broader understanding of the world and foster empathy towards people from various backgrounds.

Remember, teaching empathy and compassion is an ongoing process that requires patience and consistency. By incorporating these strategies and activities into your parenting approach, you can help your children develop strong interpersonal skills, build meaningful relationships, and become compassionate individuals who make a positive difference in the world.

Note: It is important to adapt these strategies and activities to suit the age and developmental stage of your child or teen.

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Improving Emotional Intelligence

How Parents can improve Emotional Intelligence in their Children


Emotional intelligence refers to a person's ability to understand and manage their own emotions and empathize with the emotions of others. It plays a crucial role in a child's overall well-being and success in life. As parents, you have a vital role to play in nurturing and improving your child's emotional intelligence. In this instructional guide, we will provide you with practical steps and engaging activities to help you enhance your child's emotional intelligence.

Helping Children Identify and Label Emotions

One of the first steps in developing emotional intelligence is helping children identify and label their emotions. This skill allows them to better understand their feelings and express themselves effectively.

Here's how you can tackle this:

Engaging Activity: Emotion Charades
Prepare a set of emotion cards with different facial expressions (e.g., happy, sad, angry, surprised).
Take turns acting out the emotions on the cards while the other family members guess.
After each round, discuss why the chosen emotion was portrayed in that way and share personal experiences related to that emotion. This activity helps children connect specific emotions to real-life situations.

Daily Check-ins
Set aside some time each day to have a conversation with your child about their day.
Ask open-ended questions like "How did you feel today?" or "Did anything make you happy/sad/frustrated?"
Encourage them to describe their emotions in detail and validate their feelings by saying things like "I understand why you might have felt that way." This check-in helps children become more aware of their emotions and develop a vocabulary to express them.

Teaching Empathy and Perspective-taking
Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Perspective-taking involves seeing things from another person's point of view. These skills are crucial for building healthy relationships and fostering compassion.

Here are some strategies to address this problem:
Storytelling with a Twist
Choose age-appropriate books or movies that explore different emotions and perspectives.
After reading or watching, discuss the characters' emotions and ask your child how they would feel or react in similar situations.
Encourage them to think about why the characters might have felt that way and how they could help or support them. This activity helps children develop empathy and perspective-taking skills by placing themselves in someone else's shoes.

Volunteer as a Family
Engage in community service activities together, such as volunteering at a local shelter or participating in a charity event.
Discuss the experiences afterward and ask your child how they think those less fortunate might feel.
Encourage them to reflect on the impact of their actions and how they can contribute to making a positive difference in the lives of others. Volunteering as a family helps children understand the feelings and needs of others, promoting empathy and compassion.

Managing and Regulating Emotions
The ability to manage and regulate emotions is a crucial component of emotional intelligence. Children need to learn healthy coping mechanisms and self-regulation strategies.

Let's explore solutions to this problem:
Create an Emotion Toolkit
Help your child create an "emotion toolkit" with items that can help them calm down when they're upset, such as a stress ball, a drawing pad, or a favorite stuffed animal.
Teach them deep breathing exercises or simple mindfulness techniques to help them relax and refocus during challenging moments.
Encourage them to use their toolkit whenever they feel overwhelmed or need a break. This empowers children to take control of their emotions and practice self-regulation.

Model and Teach Positive Coping Strategies
Be a role model by demonstrating healthy ways to manage stress and regulate emotions.
Talk openly about your own feelings and how you cope with them.
Teach your child techniques such as counting to ten, taking a walk, or listening to calming music when they need to calm down. By actively teaching and practicing positive coping strategies, you provide children with the tools to handle their emotions effectively.

By actively engaging in these problem-based strategies and activities, parents can effectively improve their children's emotional intelligence. Remember to provide a nurturing and supportive environment that allows your child to explore their emotions safely. Developing emotional intelligence will not only help them navigate challenges in life but also build strong and meaningful relationships with others. Start implementing these techniques today and watch your child thrive emotionally!

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Human Strong is part of the Bayridge Counselling Centre Circle of Care. 
At Bayridge we are proud to have served 30,000+ clients and completed over 300,000 therapy sessions to date.  
We're here to help.

Jay Rao
Registered Psychotherapist
Nicole Callander
Registered Social Service Worker
Nathan Pillai
M.A. Psych.,
Director of Bayridge Kids
Barb Kirkham
Registered Psychotherapist
Lisa Bynoe-Stevens
Therapist and Seminar Facilitator
Steve Wilding
Registered Psychotherapist
Kim Christink
Registered Psychotherapist Executive Director of Bayridge Counselling Centres
Mark Laing
Registered Psychotherapist
Anita McCann
Counsellor/Life Coach
Jennifer Cunningham
Registered Marriage / Family Therapist

Have A Question About Human Strong?

Human Strong is a Bayridge Circle of Care Company.  The Bayridge Circle of Care incorporates all the elements to provide the best possible care for our clients. It includes Bayridge Counselling Centres, the Human Strong Learning and Wellness Platform, and Human Strong Wellness Content Production.