human strong is a bayridge circle of care company

Strengthen Your Mental and Brain Health Through Brain Training

Neuroscience-based online games and activities.

CLAIM YOUR 3-MONTH OFFER NOW | $39.99 Per Month >

(Total Cost for 3-Month is $135.57 and Includes GST)

Brain Training on Human Strong:

We offer a powerful, neuroscience-based mental health and brain performance program that is both fun and effective. It allows you to:

> Self-monitor all 12 brain capacities and your potential risks.
> Validate symptoms and access professional care when needed.
> Measure your treatment impact over time.  
> Access customized brain games based on your needs.
> Utilize technology provided by Total Brain Inc.

With digital neuroscience, brain capacities and risks can be measured, improved and managed.  Just like your physical health!

What Life-Issues Can Human Strong Braining Training Help With?

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • PTSD
  • Sleep Apnea
  • ADHD
  • Social Phobia
  • Cognitive Functioning

How to get started:

  1. Purchase your 3-month program access. 
  2. After purchase, you will receive an email with the app registration and setup instructions.  Setup is super easy!
  3. Once you download the app, you will need to complete your initial full brain assessment. 
  4. Based on your assessment results, your custom journey will be created and the app will guide you the entire way.
  5. Continue to progress through your activities and training as per your journey outline.  Explore all the activities and games freely in the app library and even learn the science behind what you are doing!
  6. Take an assessment every month to track your progress.

NOTE: Your progress is monitored by a Bayridge Counselling Centre Clinician and they may reach out to you via email if there are any concerns. 

Who Can Do Brain Training?  Our program was developed for both adults and children 12 years or older.

creating stronger humans

19% of People Have Been Diagnosed with A Mental Health Issue
51% of People Are At Risk of a Mental Health Issue

So how can you understand your stress levels, your risk of mental struggles and their impact on your brain capacities? And more importantly, what can you do about it?

Welcome to Brain Training on Human Strong

Learn More About Brain Training and the Benefits

Benefits include:

  • Increased Focus
  • Greater Self Awareness
  • Increased Resiliency
  • Increase Confidence
  • Greater Mindfulness
  • Less Negative
  • Less Anxious

Therapeutic Brain training utilizes the science of neuroplasticity, which is the brain’s ability to grow, regenerate and create new neural connections at any age. Bayridge has harnessed the power of this scientifically proven resource to help our clients make the most comprehensive and effective changes in their lives.

Brain training can be taken both on its own or in conjunction with a therapeutic journey with our clinicians. Most brain training modules are presented in an individualized, fun and interactive platform that improves resilience and cognitive faculties. We endorse the effectiveness of brain training as most individuals can use it at any moment in their lives to improve their outcomes.

The Brain Training App

Our brain training is a brain health and performance self-monitoring and self-care platform.
After a quick brain assessment and screening on the app, an individual Brain fitness journey will be provided to train your brain for emotional and cognitive improvements. Our brains respond quickly to training and just a few minutes a day performed consistently can lead to better brain and emotional health.
The assessment covers 4 domain areas:
  • Emotion
  • Cognition
  • Self-Control
  • Feelings
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Have A Question About Brain Training?

The Bayridge Circle of Care incorporates all the elements to provide the best possible care for our clients. It includes Bayridge Counselling Centres, the Human Strong Learning and Wellness Platform, and Human Strong Wellness Content Production.

We Support Strong Humans Through Our Wellness Partnerships